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Key Stage 4 French course

If you've been studying French for a few years but need to re-cap or revise then the following topics should help you with your language learning.

Topic Area: Education and Employment

Les professions et les métiers - Professions and jobs.

GCSE bitesize French has a listening exercise which practises this topic.
If you need some vocabulary then here's a useful list of jobs.
Match the job to the picture in this exercise.
Now, if you've been studying French for a few years then take a look at these two websites:
online activities to help you to talk about future plans;
also, this advanced listening exercise from GCSE Bitesize might interest you.

Quel est ton métier? - What is your job? 

Practise talking about where people work.
Reading exercise - describing what people do in their job
Listening - Test yourself on what you have just learnt in the reading exercise

Learn the rules about changing the gender of jobs depending on whether the person doing the job is male or female.
Give the feminine for the jobs you have practised.
Then try this writing exercise to  test this knowledge. 
All these pages come from

As-tu travaillé hier? Did you work yesterday?

Click on this activity to practise talking about part-time jobs in the past. 

Mon stage en entreprise - My work experience

The following links to online exercises should help you to practise this topic. 
Listening and reading exercise

Gap fill exercise on work experience

Reading exercise: Job advert for work experience placement 

Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais faire comme métier?

What job would you like to do?

You may want to talk about your reasons for wanting to do particular jobs (reading exercises with sound)
First exercise
Second exercise
Reading and listening exercise on future plans

Questions and answers about a working day

Fill the gaps - writing exercise about a working day

Topic Area: House, Home and Daily routine

Ma maison - My house

Où habites-tu? Where do you live? Comment est ta maison? What's your house like?
Start by describing where you live. You might want to describe the geographic features of the area. Study the phrases and adjectives to build up a description of where you live.
Then study the phrases to describe your house.
For further study you could watch a video and follow a conversation all about My house and home.
Practise what you've learnt using this exercise to test your understanding.
Finally for fun you could try these games and activities which include sound files.

Aider à la maison - Talking about household chores

Qu'est-ce que tu fais pour aider à la maison?
What do you do to help at home?

Study the list of household chores and also learn how to say how often you do the jobs around the house.
It's useful to revise the verb "faire".
Then test yourself using this online exercise.
For further practice you could study the conversation and watch the video clip all about helping around the home. 

Ma chambre - Describing your room

Comment est ta chambre? What is your room like?
A great starting point is to learn about the different furniture and items in your room. You will also need some prepositions which will help you to talk about the position of things in your room.
You could try these exercises to practise what you've studied.
If you want to describe the items in your room then you might need to know more about adjectives.
Finally here are some fun activities and games, including sound files, which should really help to fix the phrases in your mind.

Topic area: Home and abroad

En ville - In town   Talking about the town where you live.

Study the list of places in town.

Practise words and phrases for places in town by completing these exercises.
To practise the names of shops try Les magasins en ville.
You might want to say how far you live from different places, here's a fun online exercise to help you practise talking about distances "C'est loin?" "Is it far?"
For a more advanced listening exercise you can watch this video clip and read the transcript of a description of a town and region.

Video link for listening practice

If you want to improve your understanding, listening skills and pronunciation then here's a great website from Ashcombe School French department. The videos cover many topics and are great practice for students at different levels.