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Sunday, 11 November 2012

French ir verbs song

Le verbe aller - song

I bet you just won't be able to stop singing this!

Le temps présent - The present tense

Whether you're learning the present tense for the first time or doing some essential revision then the following websites should help.
Verb busters

Francais interactif

GCSE Bitesize
And for a clear step-by-step explanation of Regular verbs try Level 13  from and work through to Level 15.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

La famille - talking about your family

First you could practise and revise the vocabulary needed for this topic Family members
Possessive adjectives such as my, your, his, her are also important, practise them with an exercise from languages online
Try a listening exercise about relationships between family members. You can access a transcript to listen to exactly what is said on the audio extract: GCSE Bitesize
Finally write about how you get on with the members of your family.