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Thursday, 27 September 2012

L'alphabet - The French alphabet

You may need to spell your name, your address or the name of the place you are staying or want to travel to in France. Some letters sound similar in French and English like F, L, M, N, S, Z. However, some are very different! You can listen to the sounds of the French alphabet simply by scrolling over each letter. Try it now, start by practising your first name and surname. Then move on to practise spelling your town.
For a listening exercise you could try this French language learning website.
GCSE Bitesize include a good page on their website which has keyboard keys so you can type and listen to the sounds of the French alphabet.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Food vocabulary

Listen to some sound files to help you to learn the words for fruit and vegetables in French.
There is also a good food vocabulary list at
Les fruits et les legumes - Fruit and vegetables.
There are lots of exercises at Languages online to help you to practise.
Bonne chance et bon appétit!