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Sunday, 11 November 2012

French ir verbs song

Le verbe aller - song

I bet you just won't be able to stop singing this!

Le temps présent - The present tense

Whether you're learning the present tense for the first time or doing some essential revision then the following websites should help.
Verb busters

Francais interactif

GCSE Bitesize
And for a clear step-by-step explanation of Regular verbs try Level 13  from and work through to Level 15.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

La famille - talking about your family

First you could practise and revise the vocabulary needed for this topic Family members
Possessive adjectives such as my, your, his, her are also important, practise them with an exercise from languages online
Try a listening exercise about relationships between family members. You can access a transcript to listen to exactly what is said on the audio extract: GCSE Bitesize
Finally write about how you get on with the members of your family.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

L'alphabet - The French alphabet

You may need to spell your name, your address or the name of the place you are staying or want to travel to in France. Some letters sound similar in French and English like F, L, M, N, S, Z. However, some are very different! You can listen to the sounds of the French alphabet simply by scrolling over each letter. Try it now, start by practising your first name and surname. Then move on to practise spelling your town.
For a listening exercise you could try this French language learning website.
GCSE Bitesize include a good page on their website which has keyboard keys so you can type and listen to the sounds of the French alphabet.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Food vocabulary

Listen to some sound files to help you to learn the words for fruit and vegetables in French.
There is also a good food vocabulary list at
Les fruits et les legumes - Fruit and vegetables.
There are lots of exercises at Languages online to help you to practise.
Bonne chance et bon appétit!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Studying in the summer

Make the most of your summer break and keep practising your French. The following links will help you prepare for your studies next year.
You can use the Zut! website for free outside the hours of 9am - 4pm
You could try the pages about the Olympic games Les jeux olympiques

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Revision links

Want to revise for your exams using online exercises and games. Here are a few suggestions:
Languages online
Australian Languages online
For reference Target Language
Vocabulary practice Lexique

Monday, 14 May 2012

Talking about the future

Here is a video to watch to get some ideas about how to talk about your future holiday plans. Read more about using aller + infinitive to form the futur proche - the near future.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Do you prefer living in the town or country?

View the clip in the last post for an entertaining response to this question.
You can also view the clip in English
This is the traditional tale of the "Town and the Country Mouse" which some of you may already know.

Préfères-tu habiter en ville ou à la campagne?

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Où sont les toilettes? - Asking for and understanding directions in French.

First you need to study the basics of this useful topic - Directions.
You can test yourself with this simple exercise - click and drag the words to the correct pictures.
You can practise listening to conversations on the GCSE Bitesize website. First Revise the topic then Test your knowledge.
Another useful language learning website is MYLO. On this website you can practise Directions and locations.
There are also many reading and writing exercises on the Languages Online website to help you with this topic.

Monday, 20 February 2012

En ville - In town

Talking about the town where you live.
Study the list of places in town.
Practise words and phrases for places in town by completing these exercises.
To practise the names of shops try Les magasins en ville.
You might want to say how far you live from different places, here's a fun online exercise to help you practise talking about distances "C'est loin?" "Is it far?"
For a more advanced listening exercise you can watch this video clip and read the transcript of a description of a town and region.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Il pleut - Chanson - It's raining - song

Practise French singing along to this song!  Il pleut!

Edexcel GCSE vocabulary lists

If you're studying for the Edexcel GCSE French exam then check out how much vocabulary you know or need to learn with this link to the Vocabulary Book. This could be useful for students studying for other exam boards, but you will find a similar list for your exam board if you check out their website.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Practising French grammar

Quizlet is a great website for practising French vocabulary and grammar. Simply search for a topic you wish to study. You can even time yourself and try to beat the record. Follow this link to practise the verb "habiter - to live".
Basic French vocabulary and useful phrases.