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Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Que regardes-tu à la télé? What do you watch on TV?

La télévision et les films - TV and films

First you could study the list of television and film vocabulary - scroll down the page on the link to Books, films, music, television and radio  
There's areading exercise at GCSE Bitesize French where you can study the TV pages of a newspaper and answer questions.
 On the MYLO website you can listen to two friends discussing their cinema trip - there's lots of practice of times - but some students think they talk rather fast - what do you think?
Finally for students preparing for their exams and for older learners you could read through and listen to a video clip and transcript all about a student's tv and film preferences.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Les accents en français - Typing French accents

"How do I type accents in French?" This is a commonly asked question and I've put together some links to pages which should help. 
The page I use most and which certainly works on my computer is:
I've printed out the list of codes and keep it above my computer. I use them so much that I use several without needing to look up the code.
The most common accents I use and have learnt are: 
alt+130 é 
alt+133 à
alt+138 è
alt+135 ç
If you are using a laptop the following stie might be of more help:

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

French numbers 1-1000

More on how to say or write numbers in French.
Numbers 1 - 29 with sound and an exercise
Numbers 30 and above
Hundreds and thousands

Games and activities using numbers.

 Also see the blog post about numbers with lots more links.

Ma matière préférée - My favourite subject

How many subjects does Pascal study at school? 
Which is his favourite?

Quelles matières est-ce que tu étudies au collège ?

What subjects do you study at school?

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Fifi!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Mon stage en entreprise

My work experience
The following links to online exercises should help you to practise this topic. 
Listening and reading exercise

Gap fill exercise on work experience

Reading exercise: Job advert for work experience placement

Qu'est-ce que tu voudrais faire comme métier?

What job would you like to do?

You may want to talk about your reasons for wanting to do particular jobs (reading exercises with sound)
First exercise
Second exercise
Reading and listening exercise on future plans

Questions and answers about a working day

Fill the gaps - writing exercise about a working day

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Quel est ton métier?

What is your job? 
Practise talking about where people work.
Reading exercise - describing what people do in their job
Listening - Test yourself on what you have just learnt in the reading exercise

Learn the rules about changing the gender of jobs depending on whether the person doing the job is male or female.
Give the feminine for the jobs you have practised.
Then try this writing exercise to  test this knowledge. 
All these pages come from

Monday, 9 May 2011

Quel temps fait-il ? What's the weather like?

First study a list of phrases which you could use to describe the weather. 
Then you could click on these online games and activities with listening exercises.
There are more exercises for practice at Languages Online.
Practise your reading and comprehension with a reading exercise.
Now read and listen to this story all about the weather and the seasons.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Les professions et les métiers

Professions and jobs.

GCSE bitesize French has a listening exercise which practises this topic.
If you need some vocabulary then here's a useful list of jobs.
Match the job to the picture in this exercise.
Now, if you've been studying French for a few years then take a look at these two websites:
online activities to help you to talk about future plans;
also, this advanced listening exercise from GCSE Bitesize might interest you.

Friday, 6 May 2011

As-tu travaillé hier? Did you work yesterday?

Click on this activity to practise talking about part-time jobs in the past.