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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Les négatifs 1 - Negatives 1

Let's start with ne...pas.
There are other negatives but it's a good idea to learn and practise this one first.
The "ne...pas" always goes around the verb in a sentence or phrase.
Here's an explanation and an exercise for practice.
There's plenty more practice here with some online exercises, try exercises 39 - 44. Exercises 46 and 47 are fun Memory Games.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Les verbes reguliers -er

Regular - er verbs
First you need to read about the present tense.
There's also a useful explanation of -er verbs in the present tense on  (I also write the French section of!)
Here is an explanation of regular -er verbs.
For basic exercises to practise regular -er verbs this website is useful.

L'heure - Telling the time

Quelle heure est-il? - what time is it?
If you've practised learning numbers then it's time to learn how to tell the time!
There's lots of help and practice on the web.
You can listen to the time with this practice lesson.
There's also an exercise so you can check what you've learnt.
For more listening practice you can try these activities and games.
For more writing and reading practice the languages online website is very useful. Try exercises 1 -8.
Finally here's a clear explanation of all you've learnt and practised.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Les chiffres - Numbers 1 - 1000

You need to be able to use numbers in French for speaking: saying your age and phone number, and you will also need to understand numbers when people talk about prices, times, phone numbers and quantities.
Depending on your level you could study:
Numbers 1-20
Numbers 21 - 31
Numbers 32 - 1000.
Now you can listen to the pronunciation of the numbers.
To practise what you've learnt you could try some online exercises but if you want to have fun with numbers then try this game where you have to zap some numbers to gain a high score.
Use numbers in context with this listening exercise where you have to fill in ages, house numbers and telephone numbers.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Le transport

Talking about how you travel.

Study the Travel and Transport vocabulary for this topic.
Practise with these online exercises.
Then, for fun try these games.