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Year 7 French Course

If you are in your first year of studying French then here are links to many of the topics covered. Use these useful links for practice and revision.

Week 1 Greetings
Learn and practise how to greet people in French - Greetings
Try these exercises to practise Greetings and Goodbyes. And for more exercises with sound you could test what you've learnt. Here's a video clip from BBC Talk French which also explains how to ask how someone is.
Week 2 - Les chiffres - Numbers 
You need to be able to use numbers in French for speaking: saying your age and phone number, and you will also need to understand numbers when people talk about prices, times, phone numbers and quantities.
Depending on your level you could study:
Numbers 1-20
Numbers 21 - 31
Numbers 32 - 1000.
Now you can listen to the pronunciation of the numbers.
To practise what you've learnt you could try some online exercises but if you want to have fun with numbers then try this game where you have to zap some numbers to gain a high score.
Use numbers in context with this listening exercise where you have to fill in ages, house numbers and telephone numbers. 

Week 3 - Dates, birthdays, numbers to 31
Numbers 1-20
Numbers 21 - 31

Week 4 -L'Alphabet - the alphabet
You may need to spell your name, your address or the name of the place you are staying or want to travel to in France. Some letters sound similar in French and English like F, L, M, N, S, Z. However, some are very different! You can listen to the sounds of the French alphabet simply by scrolling over each letter. Try it now, start by practising your first name and surname. Then move on to practise spelling your town.
For a listening exercise you could try this French language learning website.
Week 5 - Colours
Listen to colours in French - Colours
Week 6 - Classroom objects
For vocabulary study this list of classroom objects
Week 7 - Classroom instructions

Week 8 - Descriptions - adjectives
Read about how to describe yourself and others - Descriptions
Week 9 - Brothers and sisters
Try this puzzle about brothers and sisters
Week 10 Family
Listen to words for family members Family
And also Family tree
Week 11 Animals, pets
Practise these exercises about Animals
Week 12 Descriptions

Week 14 Talking about where you live
Où habites-tu? Where do you live? Comment est ta maison? What's your house like?
Start by describing where you live. You might want to describe the geographic features of the area. Study the phrases and adjectives to build up a description of where you live

Week 15 Your house
Then study the phrases to describe your house.
For further study you could watch a video and follow a conversation all about My house and home.
Practise what you've learnt using this exercise to test your understanding.
Finally for fun you could try these games and activities which include sound files.  

Week 16 Rooms of the house
Study this list of rooms of the house - Rooms of the house
Then practise with this listening exercise
Week 17 Bedroom furniture
A great starting point is to learn about the different furniture and items in your room. 

Week 18 Describing your room

You will also need some prepositions which will help you to talk about the position of things in your room.
You could try these exercises to practise what you've studied.
If you want to describe the items in your room then you might need to know more about adjectives.
Finally here are some fun activities and games, including sound files, which should really help to fix the phrases in your mind.

Week 18 - Prepositions

To say in which country you live you will need to use the words en or au or aux

Study the list of
countries and nationalities.
Try to learn which countries are masculine and which are feminine.
Practise what you've learnt with these
exercises about countries.

Week 19

Regular - er verbs
First you need to read about the present tense.
There's also a useful explanation of -er verbs in the present tense on but I would say that since I also write the French section of!
For basic exercises to practise regular -er verbs this website is useful.

Week 20 Telling the time

Quelle heure est-il? - what time is it?
If you've practised learning numbers then it's time to learn how to tell the time!
There's lots of help and practice on the web.
You can listen to the time with this practice lesson.
There's also an exercise so you can check what you've learnt.
For more listening practice you can try these activities and games.
For more writing and reading practice the languages online website is very useful. Try exercises 1 -8.
Finally here's a clear explanation of all you've learnt and practised. 

Week 21 Hobbies
You can read about how to talk about what you like doing Likes and dislikes
Practise writing about which sports you play - jouer au...

Quel temps fait-il ? What's the weather like?

First study a list of phrases which you could use to describe the weather. 
Then you could click on these online games and activities with listening exercises.
There are more exercises for practice at Languages Online.
Practise your reading and comprehension with a reading exercise.
Now read and listen to this story all about the weather and the seasons.